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Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolour Tile - Page 1 of 2 - Choose Your Colour

Kuretake Gansai Tambi Watercolour Paints are handcrafted, professional quality Japanese watercolours with an easy to blend, smooth consistency. The colours are rich and intense and exhibit superior opacity to their European and American counterparts. They are the perfect accent for scrap-booking, crafting, and artistic projects, including sketch, illustration, and ink wash painting.

  • All colours are certified non-toxic. Pans measure approximately 2" × 1".
  •  Made in Japan
  • Sold singularly, choose your colour


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White No10

Black No20

Cadmium Red No30

Cadmium Scarlet No31

Red No32

Cadmium Orange No33

Rose Madder No34

Carmine No35

Rose Madder Deep No36

Purple No37

Imperial Violet No38

Lemon Yellow No40

Lemon Yellow No42

Cadmium Yellow No43

Yellow Ochre No44

Burnt Sienna No46

Raw Umber Deep No47

Malachite No50

Sap Green Light No51

Hooker's Green No52

Sap Green No53

Olive Green No54

Viridian Green No55

Forrest Green No56

Turquoise Green Deep No57

Sap Green Deep No58

Ultramine Pale No61

Turquoise Blue No62

Cerulean Blue No63

Ultramarine No64

Prussian Blue No66

Indigo No67

Cobalt Violet 139

Gold No90

Blush Gold No91

Pale Aqua No.15

Ecru Beige No.16

Coral Pink No.17

Pale Pink No.18

Potters Pink No.19

Yellow Brown No.49

Gofun White No.101

Graphite Red No.230

Graphite Yellow No.240

Graphite Green No.250

Graphite Blue No.260

Graphite Violet No.261

Graphite Brown No.270

Blue Gray Deep No.68

Cobalt Blue No.60

Horizon Blue No.69

Natural Beige No.11

Rose Beige No.12

Maroon No.72

Cherry Blossom No.14

Lilac No.13

Lime Green No.59

Greenish Yellow No.48

Indian Red No.71

Gray No.21

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